Posted in celebrate, coaching, empower, happiness, happinesscoach, International Happiness Day

Let’s celebrate happiness!!

20th March is the International Day of Happiness it recognises the relevance of happiness and well-being as a universal goal in the lives of human beings around the world and the importance of their recognition in public policy objectives.

It also recognises the need for a more inclusive, equitable and balanced approach to economic growth that promotes sustainable development, poverty eradication, happiness and the well-being of all. (UN)

As we are all facing an ongoing global crisis together, this year’s International Day of Happiness is a chance to find uplifting and positive ways to look after ourselves – and one another, as individuals or as an organisation.

Based on that values this year’s international happiness day theme is – Keep Calm, Stay wise and Be kind.

Due to the pandemic the world needs to be in alignment with these values. How do we that? How can organisations build a happy cultural? Let’s understand these values at first:

Keep calm: Life has been unprecedented and overwhelming for all of us. Worries and panic only worsens the situations rather than helping. A calm mind brings inner strength and clarity. Imagine a jar full of water and sand, shake it and the sand will mix with water making it cloudy but keep it and let the sand settle to see the clear water. Our mind also gets cluttered and cloudy with thoughts, worries and doubts. Let it settle, practice calming techniques and experience stillness of mind.

Stay wise: Most of the scriptures, Guru’s and parents talk about gaining wisdom as the ultimate goal of life. It leads us towards happiness and enlightenment. I have experienced that some quotes/books or saying often become the guiding principles of life. So choose to spend time wisely, learn new skills, change with time, adopt a growth mindset and ask someone to Mentor.

Be kind: It comes in many forms, like being nice, thoughtful, loving nature, caring for others and then being considerate is the root of pure kindness. Be kind, as everyone is fighting a hard battle. Simply asking someone how they are doing can bring a huge difference in their mood and self esteem. Smile more often, practice patience, let go and let live.

Be kind, but not weak. Be strong, but not rude. Be proud, but not arrogant. Be a reason for spreading happiness all around you.

As an individual learn ways to handle stress, connect with like minded people and communities. As an organisation create awareness sessions, talks and promote well-being. Create happy Workplace and stay safe.

Happy international day of happiness 😊


Hi and Welcome! I am Henna Sharma. As you noticed most of my posts are about happiness! That does not mean I don't feel any other emotion:) I am a Happiness Coach and a workshop Leader. I passionately study about well-being. I currently stay in India with my family. I love traveling, coaching, spending time with my family and meditating. Writing is tough! But now I take out time every week to pen down my thoughts, as my personal experiences could be meaningful life changing moments for someone. These are pearls of wisdom collected through a journey called life. Thank you for; when you work on your happiness, you increase the happiness on this planet. For Official Folks, here's my bio: I am an Associate Certified Coach(ACC) with specialization in “Happiness” from the reputed International Coaching Federation (ICF). I am also the founder and Chief Happiness Officer at I have worked with several Fortune 500 companies, top FMCG brands, multinational banks, large technology firms and helped unleash the true potential of their talent. During the COVID-19 pandemic over the last one year I got the opportunity to work with over 10,000 individuals through virtual sessions and help them adapt a #resilient mindset and balanced life. I am the recipient of “Top 51 global #Happiness Leader” award from world HRD congress and “Mentor of Excellence” award from Women Leadership Forum. I am also a certified “Heal your life” teacher from Hay House and Heart Inspired presentations and passionately follow teachings of Louise Hay and Dr Wayne Dyer. Being a full-time entrepreneur it involves a lot of balancing. So I regularly meditate and travel to experience new ways of life. My passion towards my work, exposure to different cultures and relationship building skills with clients has blessed me with much success in bringing happiness to the forefront at workplaces and families. I am a global goodwill ambassador and live each day with an attitude of #gratitude. The mission is to coach the educated people to live a more happy and fulfilling life while providing the basic necessities to the poor and needy. For group coaching, speaker sessions, corporate webinars or individual coaching email : or visit: For corporate wellness sessions: or visit: Attend:

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