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Happy at work?

While dropping my kids to school, I noticed that in a rush to be on time for my meeting I didn’t wait for them to even go inside and quickly drove away.

This awareness made me pause and I started noticing all the other parents doing the same, checking emails, answering calls or rushing to work without noticing that the child is still waving bye and giving flying kisses.

Most of our waking time is spent either thinking about or doing some work leading to stress related ailments. No wonder the hospitals are lined up with patients and work related stress is at all time high. Workplace stress caused by work pressure, lack of time, job insecurity, office politics and several other factors have made headlines in the past.

So here’s some key points that can help raise your happiness levels at work and enhance productivity at the same time:

  1. You matter : Research shows that people fare better when they feel their work matters and they get validation from coworkers and their organization. They are more productive, more happier and less likely to change jobs. Since it’s difficult to go around and asking for validation let’s try self-appraisal. 

*What are your strengths?

*What are your weaknesses?

*What has been your past achievements?

*What are you most proud of?

*What makes you different from your peers?

2. Support Others: The level of happiness that we derive when we engage ourselves in helping others is immeasurable. One of my client started helping colleagues from other departments. This gave her a feel good factor and the networking landed her in getting her dream promotion. Some support to colleagues at times of need and simple acts of kindness can increase connection, enhance wisdom and build better relationships.

75% employees leave jobs as they are unhappy with the boss rather than the job.

3. Communicate: Effective communication is the key to happiness at work. When organizations are able to communicate effectively about the expectations from the employee and when the employees are able to have open discussions and flexibility, there is more than just work satisfaction.   

Happy people are 37% more productive and three times more creative than unhappy ones. 

4. Good Start: Starting your day on a good note can help enhance your mood and increase your focus. Take few minutes to laugh, interact, grab coffee, set your goals and visualize your day. This will set tone for the rest of the day.

Reaching early and doing stand up time casually communicating with the team can help in diversifying skills and building relationships.

5. Mindfulness: Last but not the least. It is a known fact that multitasking wastes a lot more time and can be one of the reasons for unhappiness. So one task at a time helps in bringing the focus to work at hand and reduces the anxiety levels resulting in better performance.

  • Create to do list

  • Prioritise important tasks

  • Take mindfulness breaks (few min of deep breaths)

“The best time to pause is when you don’t have time for it.”

It’s time to acknowledge the fact that mental well being of employees is much more important than providing fancy workplace environment.


Hi and Welcome! I am Henna Sharma. As you noticed most of my posts are about happiness! That does not mean I don't feel any other emotion:) I am a Happiness Coach and a workshop Leader. I passionately study about well-being. I currently stay in India with my family. I love traveling, coaching, spending time with my family and meditating. Writing is tough! But now I take out time every week to pen down my thoughts, as my personal experiences could be meaningful life changing moments for someone. These are pearls of wisdom collected through a journey called life. Thank you for; when you work on your happiness, you increase the happiness on this planet. For Official Folks, here's my bio: I am an Associate Certified Coach(ACC) with specialization in “Happiness” from the reputed International Coaching Federation (ICF). I am also the founder and Chief Happiness Officer at I have worked with several Fortune 500 companies, top FMCG brands, multinational banks, large technology firms and helped unleash the true potential of their talent. During the COVID-19 pandemic over the last one year I got the opportunity to work with over 10,000 individuals through virtual sessions and help them adapt a #resilient mindset and balanced life. I am the recipient of “Top 51 global #Happiness Leader” award from world HRD congress and “Mentor of Excellence” award from Women Leadership Forum. I am also a certified “Heal your life” teacher from Hay House and Heart Inspired presentations and passionately follow teachings of Louise Hay and Dr Wayne Dyer. Being a full-time entrepreneur it involves a lot of balancing. So I regularly meditate and travel to experience new ways of life. My passion towards my work, exposure to different cultures and relationship building skills with clients has blessed me with much success in bringing happiness to the forefront at workplaces and families. I am a global goodwill ambassador and live each day with an attitude of #gratitude. The mission is to coach the educated people to live a more happy and fulfilling life while providing the basic necessities to the poor and needy. For group coaching, speaker sessions, corporate webinars or individual coaching email : or visit: For corporate wellness sessions: or visit: Attend: